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Because happiness isn’t the truth

Had he been alive today, the Greek philosopher Solon would have made a fortune from TV appearances. His off-beat way of telling it like was, particularly when the occasion didn’t call for it, would have gone down a storm on the Graham Norton Show.

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“Senator, we run ads.”

On 11 April, Mark Zuckerberg, founder and CEO of Facebook, was summoned to Capitol Hill to be questioned by a panel of US senators. The Cambridge Analytica leak, in which it was claimed millions of people had had their personal data shared without permission, had led to concerns about the social media giant’s security policies. Then there was the issue of Facebook itself. What sort of Lex Luther-like powers was it packing? What secret strings was it pulling? And with its global reach and soft power, who was calling the shots – Facebook or the Fed? There was only one way to find out. Bring out The Zuck!

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When Brains met Brawn

On the face of it, universities don’t appear to have much in common with the glamorous, dangerous, star-studded world of Formula 1. Lewis Hamilton doesn’t exactly look or behave like your average don. And no academic would waste excellent champagne by spraying it over the vice chancellor – gold TEF or no gold TEF.

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Sellotape and the President of China

Graphene should be considered more than just one of the most revolutionary discoveries of the century. It’s also an important reminder to would-be trailblazers that true innovation takes lots of patience and hard work. 

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Lunch with Michael Caine

Last week I was invited to join the judging panel for the Guardian’s Higher Education Awards. On my table were luminaries from academia, industry and the media…

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